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How WebFX Uses Pod To Supercharge Their Pipeline

How WebFX Uses Pod To Supercharge Their Pipeline

Customer Stories
April 10, 2023

How WebFX Uses Pod To Supercharge Their Pipeline

Have you ever logged into Salesforce and found it too overwhelming? It’s a big tool with a notoriously clunky interface. When opportunities pile up every day, it’s hard to know how to sort through them and take action.

That’s precisely how Eric Roberts felt at WebFX.

WebFX is a leading product in the digital marketing space and employs around 600 folks. We sat down with Eric, a Web Strategy Manager, to talk about how he solves his problem with the Salesforce slog.

Eric works closely with the inbound sales team. It’s a small but nimble team of about 20 people, and he creates sales strategies for a broader team. Eric needs to know what the top deals are, so he can make effective moves in his pipeline without it sucking up too much time in his day. Enter, Pod.

Pod + WebFX = A match made in heaven

Eric didn’t always work closely with Salesforce. Although it’s been deployed among the team for a few years, he was originally doing more operational activities at WebFX.

When he moved to the more inbound, executive sales side of things, he had to reintegrate himself back onto the sales frontlines. He quickly realized that Salesforce doesn’t provide a quality user experience. He didn't have a great view of the status of his opportunities, which ones needed quick action, and which deals had the best chance to close. So, he went hunting for a solution.

He signed up for a newsletter focused on AI, and Pod was mentioned there. As soon as he signed up to try it out, he found it cleared up the Salesforce confusion.

“Just seeing what Pod could do to lay overtop of Salesforce… It gives me a much more refined, easier-to-understand revision of our whole instance. It was huge.”

Eric found pretty quickly that Pod reshaped his pipeline in a more digestible way, so he finally had visibility on what needed to be done and how he could go about doing it. No more digging into each opportunity individually and trying to decide from there. This would take his pipeline view to the next level.

How Eric takes action with Pod

“At the top of the funnel, the middle of the funnel, and the bottom of the funnel, I can see all of those things in one quick glance and get a better understanding of where things are happening.”

That’s all thanks to Pod’s Organize feature. Organize creates a simple layout of your pipeline and adds handy Prep, Automate, and Follow-up tabs at the top so you can speed up the admin work and get back to making the moves that matter.

Sample - Not the WebFX workspace.

Pod’s Prioritize feature also helps Eric cut through the noise. Prioritize uses data-driven insights to identify top deals, deals at risk, and highlights the deals most relevant to you, all in one space. These data-driven signals come from data points within your Salesforce opportunities, including factors such as deal size, velocity, and stakeholder involvement. With Pod taking care of that research, Eric and his team are free to execute.

Eric also uses Pod to communicate with his team more effectively. He uses the pipeline view to communicate the quarter's status, pulls the team in to look at the three top opportunities that need to be hit that day, and checks the lead timeline and engagement metrics to craft the best possible workflow for the week.

Sample - Not the WebFX workspace.

What’s the bottom line here?

We asked Eric what the bottom-line value was that Pod brings to the team. The answer was simple: Pod shortens his sales cycle.

“It allows me to get into my pipeline in a very efficient manner, to close the sale quicker. I now have a better sense of where my top deals are at, versus having to think about it or go into each opportunity individually. I spend less time wondering and more time doing.”
Sample - Not the WebFX workspace.

Eric also said he appreciates the hard work and responsiveness of the Pod team. He was looking for a simple Salesforce breakdown, and Pod delivered that, no questions asked. Pod is built with sellers in mind, unlike traditional project management tools that have more vague features that help different business departments.

“This is a great tool for any salespeople that use Salesforce. Once you use it, you’ll understand immediately why it adds a lot of value.”

Looking ahead

With any great product, there’s always room for improvement. We asked Eric what he’d like to see next from Pod. Luckily, his asks align closely with Pod’s plans. He’d love to see:

Call transcriptions: Eric would love Pod to hop on a call with him and take notes. In the notes, he’d like to see Pod summarize the key reference points and sync it to the opportunity, to get a leg up on the deal.

AI Feedback on calls: In addition to transcribing, Pod could also use its already-handy AI coach to give feedback on the call. This would make Pod even more “all-in-one.”

We appreciate all of the feedback and look forward to helping more customers like Eric and WebFX while we continuously improve our features.

Are you ready to supercharge your pipeline, like the WebFX team? You can try

Pod for free today. Your pile of opportunities will thank you.

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